1 traction coefficient
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > traction coefficient
2 traction coefficient
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > traction coefficient
3 traction coefficient
1) Техника: коэффициент сцепления2) Автоматика: коэффициент трения -
4 traction coefficient
kofisen traksi -
5 traction coefficient
коэффициент трения; коэффициент сцепленияEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > traction coefficient
6 traction coefficient
коэффициент трения; коэффициент сцепленияАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > traction coefficient
7 Traction coefficient
معامل الجرّ -
8 traction coefficient
مُعامل الوصل الاحتكاكيEnglish-Arabic automotive engineering dictionary > traction coefficient
9 vehicle traction coefficient
Автомобильный термин: отношение силы тяги трактора к его полному весу, отношение силы тяги тягача к его полному весуУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > vehicle traction coefficient
10 braking traction coefficient
• koeficijent; maksimalni koeficijent kočione sile -
11 driving traction coefficient
• koeficijent; maksimalna vrednost koeficijenta vučne sile; maksimalni koeficijent vučne sile -
12 lateral traction coefficient
• maksimalni koeficijent bočne sile -
13 resultant traction coefficient
• rezultujući vučni koeficijent (odnos horizontalne i vertikalne sile) -
14 vehicle traction coefficient
English-russian automobile dictionary > vehicle traction coefficient
15 vehicle traction coefficient
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > vehicle traction coefficient
16 traction
тяга; тяговое усилие; сила тяги; притяжение; растяжение; состояние растяжения; сила сцепления; трение; передвижение; волочение; амер. городской транспорт; II растягивающий- traction clutch - traction coefficient - traction condition - traction control - traction-control system - traction-control valve - traction device - traction drill - traction drive - traction drive bar - traction drive roll assembly - traction-driven - traction electric motor suspension - traction force - traction line - traction mechanism - traction mode - traction pull - traction sprocket - traction station - traction substation - traction test - traction trolley - traction truck - traction type - traction unit - traction wheel - battery traction - braking tire traction - cable traction - cart traction - steam traction - tire traction - tractor traction - wet-tire traction -
17 coefficient
1) коэффициент; множитель2) фактор3) константа, постоянная•-
absorption coefficient
accommodation coefficient
acidity coefficient
- acoustic absorption coefficient -
actinic coefficient
adhesion coefficient
adiabatic Hall coefficient
admiralty coefficient
aerosol extinction coefficient
air drag coefficient
air-to-air heat-transmission coefficient
angular coefficient
aridity coefficient
attenuation coefficient
autocorrelation coefficient
binomial coefficient
block coefficient
breadth coefficient
brightness coefficient
bubble volume coefficient
Callier coefficient
capacitance coefficients
chromatic coefficient
chromaticity coefficients
coefficient of active lateral earth pressure
coefficient of amplification
coefficient of charge
coefficient of collar friction
coefficient of compressibility
coefficient of consolidation
coefficient of correlation
coefficient of cubical expansion
coefficient of deformation
coefficient of discharge
coefficient of efficiency
coefficient of elasticity
coefficient of electrostatic induction
coefficient of expansion
coefficient of floating route filling
coefficient of friction of rest
coefficient of friction
coefficient of harmonic distortion
coefficient of hysteresis
coefficient of induction
coefficient of internal friction
coefficient of jam compactness
coefficient of journal friction
coefficient of kinematic viscosity
coefficient of kinetic friction
coefficient of linear expansion
coefficient of magnetization
coefficient of mutual inductance
coefficient of mutual overlap
coefficient of performance
coefficient of pivoting friction
coefficient of proportionality
coefficient of radiation
coefficient of raft section density
coefficient of regression
coefficient of resistance
coefficient of restitution
coefficient of rigidity
coefficient of rolling friction
coefficient of rotation
coefficient of self-induction
coefficient of sliding friction
coefficient of slip
coefficient of static friction
coefficient of strain
coefficient of surface expansion
coefficient of thermal efficiency
coefficient of thermal expansion
coefficient of total drag
coefficient of utilization
coefficient of variation
coefficient of volume change
combined convection and radiation coefficient
combustion rate coefficient
condensing coefficient
conductance coefficient
confidence coefficient
contraction coefficient
contrast coefficient
convection coefficient
corrosion coefficient
coupling coefficient
crest coefficient
cross-correlation coefficient
current temperature coefficient
damping coefficient
deadweight-displacement coefficient
deadweight coefficient
decay coefficient
deflection coefficient
demagnetization coefficient
derailment coefficient
dielectric coefficient
dielectric loss coefficient
diffusion coefficient
dilution coefficient
discharge coefficient
dispersion coefficient
dissipation coefficient
distortion coefficient
distribution coefficient
drag coefficient
drying coefficient
efflux coefficient
elastooptic coefficient
electrochemical diffusion coefficient
electrochemical transfer coefficient
electrooptic coefficient
emissivity coefficient
empirically determined coefficient
energy-transfer coefficient
excess coefficient
extinction coefficient
filtration coefficient
flow coefficient
flux coefficient
Fourier coefficient
friction coefficient
gap coefficient
gas-phase mass-transfer coefficient
gas-side mass-transfer coefficient
growth coefficient
H0 coefficient
heat conduction coefficient
heat-transfer coefficient
highest coefficient
humidity coefficient
hyetal coefficient
hygroscopic coefficient
impregnation coefficient
integral coefficient
interassembly moderator coefficient
interdiffusion coefficient
intraassembly moderator coefficient
ionic activity coefficient
ionic distribution coefficient
ionization coefficient
Joule-Thomson coefficient
Lagrangian coefficients
leading coefficient
lift coefficient
linear attenuation coefficient
linear expansion coefficient
lines coefficients
literal coefficient
load reflection coefficient
local heat-transfer coefficient
local mass-transfer coefficient
loss coefficient
magnetooptic coefficient
mass coefficient of reactivity
mass energy absorption coefficient
mass-transfer coefficient
midship-section coefficient
midship coefficient
molecular diffusion coefficient
negative temperature coefficient of reactivity
noise reduction coefficient
nondimensional coefficient
nonlinear-distortions coefficient
numerical coefficient
numeric coefficient
optical loss coefficient
orifice coefficient
output reflection coefficient
overall heat transfer coefficient
overall mass transfer coefficient
pan-to-lake coefficient
permeability coefficient
permeance coefficient
phase-change coefficient
phase coefficient
phase-temperature coefficient
pitch coefficient
plastic anisotropy coefficient
pluviometric coefficient
polytropic coefficient
potential coefficient
pressure coefficient of viscosity
pressure/viscosity coefficient
prismatic coefficient
programming coefficient
propagation coefficient
propulsive coefficient
purity coefficient
quasi-propulsive coefficient
radiant heat-transfer coefficient
Rankine's coefficient
reactivity coefficient
recombination coefficient
reflection coefficient
refraction coefficient
relative friction coefficient
reliability coefficient
reset coefficient
roughness coefficient
runoff coefficient
salting-out coefficient
sample correlation coefficient
saturation coefficient
SAW coupling coefficient
scattering coefficient
screening coefficient
sedimentation coefficient
self-diffusion coefficient
shear coefficient
similarity coefficient
slip coefficient
solubility coefficient
sound absorption coefficient
sound reflection coefficient
sound transmission coefficient
steady friction coefficient
steady-flow coefficient
stick-slip friction coefficient
stiffness coefficient
strain-hardening coefficient
stress-optical coefficient
technical readiness coefficient
temperature coefficient
thermal accommodation coefficient
thermal coefficient
thermal diffusion coefficient
thermal-conductivity coefficient
thermal-expansion coefficient
thermodiffusion coefficient
thermodynamic coefficient
thermoelectric coefficient
throttling coefficient
thrust coefficient
tip diffraction coefficient
torque coefficient
total diffusion coefficient
traction coefficient
transfer coefficient
transmission coefficient
transport coefficient
trichromatic coefficients
trilinear coefficients
tristimulus coefficients
undetermined coefficient
uniform heat transfer coefficient
uniformity coefficient
unsaturated coefficient
void coefficient
voltage temperature coefficient
volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
wall coefficient
water-land coefficient
waterplane area coefficient
waterplane coefficient
weighting coefficient
weight coefficient
well imperfection coefficient
winding coefficient
wobble coefficient -
18 coefficient
- accumulation coefficient
- adhesion coefficient
- adsorption coefficient
- air permeability coefficient
- amplification coefficient
- angular coefficient
- attenuation coefficient
- average gain coefficient
- backward scattering coefficient
- bending-moment coefficient
- bending-stiffness coefficient
- block coefficient
- center distance modification coefficient
- coefficient of absorption
- coefficient of amplification
- coefficient of collar friction
- coefficient of compressibility
- coefficient of contact friction
- coefficient of correction
- coefficient of corrosion
- coefficient of discharge
- coefficient of dynamic stiffness
- coefficient of efficiency
- coefficient of elasticity
- coefficient of engagement
- coefficient of expansion
- coefficient of friction
- coefficient of hardness
- coefficient of heat conduction
- coefficient of heat conductivity
- coefficient of heat passage
- coefficient of heat transfer
- coefficient of heat transmission
- coefficient of impact
- coefficient of increase of the average output velocity
- coefficient of journal friction
- coefficient of kinetic friction
- coefficient of leakage
- coefficient of lift
- coefficient of linear expansion
- coefficient of load
- coefficient of mechanical efficiency
- coefficient of merit
- coefficient of mutual overlap
- coefficient of nonuniformity of motion
- coefficient of reduction
- coefficient of resistance
- coefficient of restitution
- coefficient of rigidity
- coefficient of starting friction
- coefficient of static friction
- coefficient of superficial expansion
- coefficient of thermal efficiency
- coefficient of tooth friction
- coefficient of utilization
- coefficient of velocity
- coefficient of volume expansion
- coefficient of volumetric expansibility
- compliance coefficient
- compression coefficient
- compressive-buckling coefficient
- confidence coefficient
- control action coefficient
- control coefficient
- correlation coefficient
- coupling coefficient
- critical stress coefficient
- damping coefficient
- decay coefficient
- deflection coefficient
- dielectric coefficient
- dimensionless coefficient
- discharge coefficient
- distortion coefficient
- distribution coefficient
- elastic coefficient
- energy absorption coefficient
- energy transfer coefficient
- expansion coefficient
- extinction coefficient
- feedback coefficient
- flow coefficient
- force coefficient
- friction coefficient
- fusion coefficient
- gain coefficient
- general gain coefficient
- heat transfer coefficient
- heat transmission coefficient
- heat-conduction coefficient
- hydrodynamic loss coefficient
- inertial coefficient
- influence coefficient
- interference coefficient
- internal damping coefficient
- interpolation coefficient
- ionization gage coefficient
- irregularity coefficient
- kinematic coefficient
- lag coefficient
- literal coefficient
- loss coefficient
- magnetic coefficient
- modification coefficient
- nondimensional coefficient
- numerical coefficient
- overall coefficient
- overall heat transfer coefficient
- overall steady-flow coefficient
- pairwise similarity coefficient
- periodical coefficient
- pipe resistance coefficient
- position error coefficient
- power loading coefficient
- pressure coefficient
- pressure-drop coefficient
- profile drag coefficient
- profile shift coefficient
- proportional action coefficient
- pulsation coefficient
- recalculation coefficient
- reduced heat transmission coefficient
- reduction coefficient
- reflection coefficient
- relative improvement coefficient
- reliability coefficient
- reset coefficient
- restoring coefficient
- roughness coefficient
- safety coefficient
- SAW coupling coefficient
- scale coefficient
- serial expansion coefficient
- shear stiffness coefficient
- shifting coefficient
- similarity coefficient
- slip coefficient
- specific utilization coefficient
- speed coefficient
- surface heat exchange coefficient
- temperature coefficient of resistivity
- temperature coefficient
- temperature diffusivity coefficient of the material
- thermal expansion coefficient
- thermal storage capacity coefficient of the material
- total heat transfer coefficient
- traction coefficient
- transfer-function coefficient
- transmission coefficient
- trial coefficient
- utilization coefficient
- vapor permeability coefficient of the material
- variable coefficient
- velocity error coefficient
- volume coefficient
- weighting coefficientEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > coefficient
19 coefficient of traction
Dictionary of Engineering, architecture and construction > coefficient of traction
20 coefficient of traction
1) Техника: коэффициент сцепления с грунтом2) Макаров: коэффициент сцепления (колеса с рельсом)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > coefficient of traction
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
coefficient — of expansion coefficient of friction coefficient of rolling resistance aligning torque coefficient aligning stiffness coefficient braking force coefficient braking stiffness coefficient braking traction coefficient camber stiffness coefficient … Mechanics glossary
traction — [ traksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1503; bas lat. tractio, de trahere → 1. tracteur ♦ Action de tirer; son effet. 1 ♦ Techn. Action de tirer en tendant, en étendant; force longitudinale provoquant l allongement ou l extension. Résistance des matériaux à la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
braking traction coefficient — the maximum of the braking force coefficient which can be reached without locking a wheel on a given tire and road surface for a given environment and operating condition … Mechanics glossary
driving traction coefficient — the maximum value of driving force coefficient which can be reached on a given tire and road surface for a given environment and operating condition … Mechanics glossary
lateral traction coefficient — the maximum value of lateral force coefficient which can be reached on a free rolling tire for a given road surface, environment and operating condition … Mechanics glossary
sliding braking traction coefficient — the value of the braking force coefficient of a tire obtained on a locked wheel on a given tire and road surface for a given environment and operating condition … Mechanics glossary
Traction (engineering) — Traction refers to the friction between a drive member and the surface it moves upon, where the friction is used to provide motion.For the purposes of driving a wheeled vehicle, high friction is generally desired, as it provides a more positive… … Wikipedia
Coefficient De Poisson — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Poisson (homonymie). Mis en évidence (analytiquement) par Siméon Denis Poisson, le coefficient de Poisson (aussi appelé coefficient principal de Poisson) permet de caractériser la contraction de la matière… … Wikipédia en Français
Coefficient de poisson — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Poisson (homonymie). Mis en évidence (analytiquement) par Siméon Denis Poisson, le coefficient de Poisson (aussi appelé coefficient principal de Poisson) permet de caractériser la contraction de la matière… … Wikipédia en Français
Coefficient de Poisson — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Poisson (homonymie). Mis en évidence (analytiquement) par Siméon Denis Poisson, le coefficient de Poisson (aussi appelé coefficient principal de Poisson) permet de caractériser la contraction de la matière… … Wikipédia en Français
Coefficient de sécurité — Les coefficients de sécurité sont des paramètres permettant de dimensionner des dispositifs. Lorsque l on conçoit un dispositif, il faut s assurer qu il remplisse ses fonctions en toute sécurité pour l utilisateur. Il faut pour cela connaître la… … Wikipédia en Français